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old photo of Jessie Martin

I grew up in the woods of Northern Maine, where the white pine cone and tassel is the state flower, and Marty Stouffer frequently graced the screen of our television...and not only because we didn't get any other channels. Although that is basically true. I say "basically," because we also got two Canadian channels. One was in English.

When I was growing up, my mum's family raced horses. Harness racing, to be exact. We're talking carts, people. Like some Ben-Hur-style business. My dad's family grew potatoes. This is what a lot of people in Northern Maine do.

Then I lived in Boston.

Then New York City.

And now I live in Seattle, with a Maine Coon cat...from Brooklyn. His name is Moses.

As a Mainer, I am a pragmatist. A purist. Or, as some would say, pig-headed. Whichever the P-word that fits best, it means I like to keep things simple. Lines + colors are my thing. Not bells + whistles.

When I am not drawing things with my magic computer pen, I am usually playing outside in the woods, the mountains, or, if I am really lucky, in a river.